May 25, 2010

Pink Phone Assignment (DMA 234)

hey guys so semester 2 has started and here is my first post for my DMA 234 class sorry i've been away from this for a while but hopefully in the next couple of days a whole bunch of stuff gonna be put up! :D so here is my part for our pink phone project we were given 12 images and were allowed to work in groups to clean up all of the phones! it was pre horrible ! ahaha but enjoy ill upload the other group members work later on!

April 21, 2010

IT IS DONE! The SkateBoard! (DMA 179)

Ahoihoi Audience here is my final skateboard sticker on the board and everything i am SO happy about it and it turned out great anyways gonna keep it short and sweet! Heres the board! :

April 11, 2010

Skate Deck Completed! (DMA 179)


The moment we've all been waiting for, or at least what i've been waiting for! the Final skate deck!
for a rough time log the deck took me about 7-10 hours to design and re-design! and i am really happy about the final design! and once again would like to thank Saberline (link to his art on previous post) for letting me use his sabretooth head! :D and in later posts ill be showing you guys some of the other ideas i had and also the other photos i ended up using, as well as the final sticker on the Deck! ! :D so until then Take Care!

April 6, 2010

SkateDeck SabreTooth Head (DMA 179)

Heres my step-to-step process for the first part of my skatedeck! The SabreTooth Tiger Head!
I got the original sketch off of and the artist was Saberline(aka WAA)--> check out his other stuff there! :D hes a crazy artist!
final skate deck should be up in a bit!

Vanilla Coke Poster


DMA133 Final Project!!! :D
In groups of 3 or more we had to create a poster for a coke product and trust me, there's alot to choose from ;) ahah so after fiddling around with some ideas we narrowed it down to Full Throttle & Vanilla Coke and finally decided with some input from are class to go with the Vanilla Coke and i think it came out really good (considering the 2 hour rush to finish it cause of wrong due dates - but it was finished and that's what counts!)
Group Members: Jamie Nudelman, Jordan Watson, & Adam Bates!!
DMA133 = DONE!! :D

March 31, 2010

Bell Advertisements!

Aloha-Audience !
In DMA101 we had to create 2 mock advertisements for Bells summer campaign (this all for class not professional) and also had to create are very own Bellements which was a mission in itself but anyways here's the final copies:

March 25, 2010

Megalodon@Rom Poster (DMA 179)

Hello-Audience! :D

So here is the final part to our three part project, this took me a couple of hours to do since i already had the main idea in my head. It came out a bit different then I had imagined but it shall do! Hope you like it! Now I'm off to bed to rest - got a nasty cold! Night Everyone!

March 11, 2010

Super Morlock Adventure Quest!! (DMA 179)

So here is the third post in three days(i told you there was going to be a lot) So here's the details on this project, are prof in DMA 179 wanted us to get out of the classroom and even bond with our fellow classmates, so we were to go downtown (during are reading week) and go on a Scavenger hunt in groups of five or more( my group was called: MAN-BEAR-PIG and it consisted of Jamie, Jordan, Jared, Mike, Adam and of course Me!) We had to go Downtown(Toronto) and had to find a whole bunch of things and take photos! So this is the list :

● - Photo of yourself when they wake up in the morning of your adventure

● - Group photo of all members in your group on the subway
● - 2 photos of advertisements inside the subway car
● - 2 photos of warning signs on the subway platform
● - Get off at St. Andrews ( photo of group on stairs )
● - Photo of two group members getting a transfer
● - Photo of the art on the sidewalk at King street and Emily
● - Photo of all members at a street car shelter ( with advertisement in background)
● - Photo of the Cash Store ( west of Spadina on Queen south side )
● - Photo of the Portland and Queen street signs
● - Photo of the storefront of NewYork Subway ( try it out if you want no subs allowed )
● - Group photos in the parking lot across the street ( with all the Graffiti )
● - 5 photos of Graffiti
● - Photos of the new condo building where the fire was on queen
● - Photo of the storefront Silver Snail
● - Photo of a flyer from inside the Silver Snail
● - Photo of a member buying something from a street vendor on Queen Street ( and Soho )
● - Photo of the Black Bull patio
● - Photo of the Active Surplus robots
● - Photo of some object a group remember purchased from Active Surplus
● - Photo of all members outside MUCH
● - Photo of everyone getting on the Subway at Osgood
● - Photo of each member reading metro paper on the subway
● - Photo of everyone saying bye
● - Photo of yourself before you goto bed that night

and the photos are all uploaded on my flickr account which can be found here:

That is the end of the big upload of posts for this week(I made it) , hope you guys have an amazing weekend!
Take Care! <))¯¯o-a¯¯)¯)

March 10, 2010

Megalodon @ The Rom-Style Guide (DMA179)

AHOIHOI Audience!
So here (finally) is part two of the Megalodon project that I had been assigned, I apologize for the delay! Imma keep this post short and sweet so for "part 2" we had to make a 2 style guides which we could use for part 3(which is to finally make a poster) so here they are! Quick note: The site were I got the 2 fonts is: , there's some pretty neat fonts on that site and of course its FREE which is always good too!

March 9, 2010

Vector illustration! - Angemon

Sorry for the delay on my blog, had reading week for school and between hockey and concerts the blog slipped my mind! So I apologize and now for the next week a whole bunch of stuff is going to be posted, and I know all of you are going be able to keep up! So this project was one that got assigned to me in my DMA 101 - New Media Tools Class! The task was to get a sketch either professional of one of our own, and since I can't draw very well I concluded professional sketch = good choice. So after a couple of hours on some choices being denied by my prof) I found a really cool picture of a Digimon picture (called Angemon) so after getting the okay from the artist I proceeded to make the picture "come alive" with thick lines and color! The original artist of the sketch is won-rai(Jorge), he has a lot of really cool pictures and if you found this one as awsome as I did check out all his other stuff here: . Now without further delay here is the original sketch and below it my edited one! ENJOY! and you will here from me very soon! CHEERS! <))¯¯o-a¯¯)¯)

Click the photos to enlarge them!

February 16, 2010

Megalodon Tooth!! (DMA 179)


•Quick Fact: A Megalodon was a very large shark that is now extinct, the teeth were about the size of a mans hand! Thus it was given the name Megalodon which means big tooth! - if you wanna know more just go to this link:

Now the reason for that was because for DMA 179 we were given the task to re-create a Megalodon Shark tooth for the ROM-which is part one of a three part project! The tooth is the first part and we had to make it from scratch and for everyone that was a coat hanger, some tin-foil and a block of Super Sculpy! So here is a step by step video of my work for my Megalodon tooth, just press play and enjoy!

(Song: Closer - kings of Leon)

January 27, 2010

Palette And Knees!! (DMA 179)

Hello Audience!! the following blog is going to be in two parts so hopefully you wont get too confused. Here we go, PART ONE: so last week in DMA 179 we were given 30 minutes to go on a mission around the school and find 5 shapes: a rectangle, a square, a circle, a triangle, and an ellipse(kinda oval shape), and had to draw them BUT!!!(yes there's a but)! the catch was the shapes had to be below our knees! and I'm not the tallest guy out there, so it was pretty hard, but I did get it done and here is what I came up with! I think my ellipse shape is going to be very original-it came to me when I decided "I needed a bathroom break"! NOW why don't you try it out, give yourself 10 minutes and look around your house to see if you can find all 5 shapes, and post it on your blogs and let me know!!

PART TWO(your still with me right):
After we came back from our missions, we were given three objects and 10 minutes to paint each one, oh how it reminded me of elementary school and how bad I hated painting! but the point wasn't to make a perfect picture but to get the different colours and make colour palettes out of them(one with 8 colours and one with 18!)even though I think I painted a killer M&M without the M. Now Before I gas myself out, these are my final products followed by the Palettes-I think I did it right! and hopefully you enjoy them! And as always a Question: What movie do you think number 2 is from?? comment and let me know! :D but now I'm Going to bed so Goodnight to all of you out there!!<))¯o-A¯)¯)

January 21, 2010

IZZY - New and Improved!

Hello Audience, over the past week I kept looking at Izzy the bunny and thinking "what else can I do to him", and then after learning how to use adobe illustrator in my DMA101 class I knew what had to be done! So at 1 in the morning after uploading the picture into illustrator I started the Painstaking journey of tracing all the outlines and adding color, (keep in my mind that this is my first stab at this) but i think he turned out very well! And now I ask you out there - Was my color choice good, or to original? What colorswould you have used? Let me know and ill try to make it happen!

January 14, 2010

BUNNY!!! (DMA 179)

Hello Audience, so this is my first post for DMA(at Seneca) actually this is my first blog post EVER!!! -So i hope you guys all enjoy it. So today in DMA179, as a first assignment the class was given 10 minutes to create a bunny and then post them on our blogs... S0o0o0o0o this is Izzy the bunny! he has a -what do you think of him? comment and let me know! But as for now bloggers I'm OUT! <))¯¯o-A¯)¯)

P.s. -> If you guys have some free time check out my youtube channel(soon to be more videos, just gotta look through some old dvds to find them):