January 21, 2010

IZZY - New and Improved!

Hello Audience, over the past week I kept looking at Izzy the bunny and thinking "what else can I do to him", and then after learning how to use adobe illustrator in my DMA101 class I knew what had to be done! So at 1 in the morning after uploading the picture into illustrator I started the Painstaking journey of tracing all the outlines and adding color, (keep in my mind that this is my first stab at this) but i think he turned out very well! And now I ask you out there - Was my color choice good, or to original? What colorswould you have used? Let me know and ill try to make it happen!


  1. Looks sick bud. I should try the same thing!

  2. lol where is your bunny's thought bubble? It looks like it's about to say something!
