January 27, 2010

Palette And Knees!! (DMA 179)

Hello Audience!! the following blog is going to be in two parts so hopefully you wont get too confused. Here we go, PART ONE: so last week in DMA 179 we were given 30 minutes to go on a mission around the school and find 5 shapes: a rectangle, a square, a circle, a triangle, and an ellipse(kinda oval shape), and had to draw them BUT!!!(yes there's a but)! the catch was the shapes had to be below our knees! and I'm not the tallest guy out there, so it was pretty hard, but I did get it done and here is what I came up with! I think my ellipse shape is going to be very original-it came to me when I decided "I needed a bathroom break"! NOW why don't you try it out, give yourself 10 minutes and look around your house to see if you can find all 5 shapes, and post it on your blogs and let me know!!

PART TWO(your still with me right):
After we came back from our missions, we were given three objects and 10 minutes to paint each one, oh how it reminded me of elementary school and how bad I hated painting! but the point wasn't to make a perfect picture but to get the different colours and make colour palettes out of them(one with 8 colours and one with 18!)even though I think I painted a killer M&M without the M. Now Before I gas myself out, these are my final products followed by the Palettes-I think I did it right! and hopefully you enjoy them! And as always a Question: What movie do you think number 2 is from?? comment and let me know! :D but now I'm Going to bed so Goodnight to all of you out there!!<))¯o-A¯)¯)

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