March 9, 2010

Vector illustration! - Angemon

Sorry for the delay on my blog, had reading week for school and between hockey and concerts the blog slipped my mind! So I apologize and now for the next week a whole bunch of stuff is going to be posted, and I know all of you are going be able to keep up! So this project was one that got assigned to me in my DMA 101 - New Media Tools Class! The task was to get a sketch either professional of one of our own, and since I can't draw very well I concluded professional sketch = good choice. So after a couple of hours on some choices being denied by my prof) I found a really cool picture of a Digimon picture (called Angemon) so after getting the okay from the artist I proceeded to make the picture "come alive" with thick lines and color! The original artist of the sketch is won-rai(Jorge), he has a lot of really cool pictures and if you found this one as awsome as I did check out all his other stuff here: . Now without further delay here is the original sketch and below it my edited one! ENJOY! and you will here from me very soon! CHEERS! <))¯¯o-a¯¯)¯)

Click the photos to enlarge them!

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